A particularly handsome and varied group of houses stands near the courthouse. At the west corner of Court Avenue (which runs behind the courthouse) and Bank Street, the Lewis County Health Department occupies a solid brick house with both Romanesque and Colonial Revival details. Its main distinction, or distraction, is the diagonally set chimneys emerging above the corners, obvious indications of corner fireplaces within. A variegated slate roof distinguishes a stone and half-timbered Tudor Revival house at 110 Court Avenue (southeast side of Court Avenue between 1st and 2nd streets). A three-bay, mansard-roofed house at 236 1st Street occupies a pivotal spot on axis with Court Avenue, while a large yellow brick Georgian Revival mansion, obviously inspired by New England examples, stands diagonally across the intersection. A steeply pitched pediment covering the central bay contains a Palladian window in the attic. On either side, triangular and arched pediments alternately cap dormer windows.