The large, comfortable, wooden house was built for Elizabeth Lobb (1845–1926). Lobb was an English immigrant who owned and operated the Anna River Brick Company near Au Train and who received royalties paid by the Princeton Mine for extracting ore on Lobb land. Her house was designed by DeMar (b. 1864), a recognized Upper Peninsula architect with offices in Sault Ste. Marie. It is Prairie Style with classical details. A large porch supported by single, paired, and triple Doric columns wraps around the front and side of the house, projecting in a semicircle in the center, and overlooks Munising Bay. The hipped roof is supported by block modillions and has an ample, sweeping overhang. It is punctuated by hipped and shed-roof dormers with crosshatch windows. The house's gracious interior is trimmed with oak woodwork and stained glass.