Another example of Pittsburgh architect Edward Weber's skillful designs for the Roman Catholic Diocese of West Virginia, this church was inspired by Italian Romanesque architectural forms from Lombardy. In some respects, it is a smaller, simplified version of Weber's Church of the Immaculate Conception in Clarksburg ( HR22). Like the Clarksburg church, it has a tall, square belfry tower, which is recessed from the facade and terminates in a pyramidal roof covered with red tiles. Built of dark, reddish brown tapestry brick, the church has an extremely Spartan facade, embellished only with a central doorway and a circular panel high above. The panel contains a stone eagle, symbol of the patron saint to whom the church is dedicated, sculpted by Francis Aretz.
The interior is far more decorative than the exterior promises, with Weber's competent orthodox hand clearly evident. Massive columns separating nave and aisles support five round arches, while the larger chancel arch frames a massive hanging crucifix. The reredos is a painted triptych with hinged side panels that are folded during Passion Week. As with all of Weber's churches, fittings—lighting fixtures, altar, stained glass windows—were beautifully executed under his overall supervision. Weber illustrated St. John the Evangelist in his two publications, Catholic Ecclesiology and Catholic Church Buildings.