As occurred on larger lakes throughout New Hampshire and Vermont, recreation on Lake Morey underwent the transition from lake-front hotels to lakeside summer houses and children's camps between 1890 and 1910. The Leach house on the northeast shore features the local rustic camp aesthetic also typical of children's camps, including wide-board siding, broad gables supported on log braces, and a recessed porch with branch-work railing. There is a single large room on the ground floor focused on a massive cobblestone chimney hearth, and airy sleeping rooms with multipane casement windows are on the second floor over the porch. The neighboring camp, a one-story-plus-basement building called “Kipplyn,” probably built around the same time, has similar details. The Leach house may have been built for William Leach and his wife, who served as Fairlee rural mail carriers from 1907 until 1935.