For its thoughtful planning and design, Mount Anthony's was selected as a “Record School” by Architectural Record in 1968. The first regional high school in southwestern Vermont and built under a planning grant from the Ford Foundation, it incorporated vocational as well as general curricular programs. Set in spacious grounds at the edge of Bennington village, the school is organized as vertically integrated nodes—four two-story-plus-basement pavilions that are clustered by related disciplines. These are joined horizontally by glazed wings of teacher offices and resource areas around a largely enclosed, landscaped courtyard. The building's exposed concrete frame appears as a strong roof plane atop the largely unfenestrated brick walls of the pavilions and then opens through handsomely proportioned bays to shelter deeply set curtains of metal-framed windows in the short connecting wings. Skylights provide natural light in the pavilions and, where appropriate, blocks of windows frame views into the landscape. The interior character is established by the insistent frame, the texture of coffered concrete ceilings, and brilliant color accents. In 1996, the Montpelier firm of Black River Design added a Career Development Center in a sensitive design consistent in planning, sculptural rectilinear forms, and detailing with the original Thompson building.