In a city endowed with many Queen Anne gems, Rosemont is perhaps one of the more architecturally exotic in the state. Its design has been attributed to Gordon, who was working on the courthouse at the time. He was known to dabble with Moorish influences during this same period on residences in Marshall and San Antonio. The twenty-room, ten-fireplace house with a center-hall plan was built for Eliza and Burt Moffett, who owned a nearby flour mill, in addition to a cotton gin and an ice manufacturing plant. The irregular, cross-gabled, picturesque mass is strongly accented by galleries that stretch across the facade for eight bays on the first floor and six bays on the second. Projecting from the porch is a circular bay capped with a pressed-metal shingled onion dome. The jigsaw-cut brackets in each gallery bay are profiled as drapery valences that mirror the outline of the dome. Original outbuildings remaining on the three-and-a-half-acre pecan-grove site include a carriage house, greenhouse, outhouse, and a well house with a mansard roof.