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  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)

Alaskaland, the site of the Alaska 67 Centennial Exposition, combines amusement park with re-created historic areas, using buildings moved in from other sites. A Goldrush Town, Native Village, and Mining Valley are arranged around picnic areas and a civic center.

At the main entrance is the 237-foot steamboat Nenana, built in 1933–1935, now set in a dry pond. On railroad tracks that go nowhere is the Harding Railroad Car, in which President Harding rode while visiting Alaska at the completion of the Alaska Railroad.

The Native Village is an assortment of reconstructions of various Native dwellings from throughout Alaska. The Tlingit plank house is miniature in scale, while the others appear to be full sized. The proximity of the different forms of Native architecture and the lack of relative proportion between them make this an especially confusing exhibit. The Mining Valley contains some relocated miners' cabins and some new construction to accommodate the salmon bake offered there. A collection of mining equipment, with different levels of interpretation, is scattered about the site.

The Goldrush Town, an array of more than thirty buildings linked by boardwalks and asphalt streets, contains both new and old structures. The historic buildings, including both log and wood-framed examples, are all open to the public, although most of them contain shops. Most of the log buildings are one story, with saddle notched corners and gable fronts. Only four of the buildings are not primarily shops today ( IN010.1IN010.4).

Writing Credits

Alison K. Hoagland


What's Nearby


Alison K. Hoagland, "Alaskaland", [Fairbanks, Alaska], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

Print Source

Buildings of Alaska, Alison K. Hoagland. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, 220-220.

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