These across-the-street neighbors anchor Fairmont Avenue west of downtown. That they are both Methodist reflects a nineteenth-century schism in the denomination between southern and northern factions. Central United Methodist Church is a cream-colored brick building with terra-cotta trim, fronted by a recessed Ionic portico with the words M.E. Church South in its frieze. A red tile roof provides a colorful note, while a large octagonal cupola with pyramidal roof over the crossing provides an unusual one. Coy H. Snider, a member of the church, studied architecture at the Drexel Institute in Philadelphia and opened his office in Fairmont in 1913. The first Father's Day service in the nation was held in the congregation's predecessor church on July 5, 1908, as a state historical marker in front announces.
First United Methodist Church is a Neo-Gothic structure designed by an Ohio architect. Built of quarry-faced stone, it has a prominent corner tower, large arched windows lighting the sanctuary, and a multiplaned roof covered in green tile. The original parsonage, designed along similar lines, is attached to the church.