When Theda Clark Peters, heir to the Kimberly-Clark Company fortune, died in childbirth at home in 1904, she endowed a new hospital for the people of Neenah. Her brother Charles Clark Jr. added to her bequest, resulting in the construction in 1909 of a Georgian Revival building. In 1948 that building was replaced by a four-story Lannon stone building with aluminum trim. A buff brick wing was added in phases in the 1960s. In 2002, the Milwaukee office of HGA Architects designed a striking four-story addition. Rising from a ground floor of polished, vermiculated limestone, it features glass curtain walls, trimmed with wide aluminum bands. At each end of the building, the glass walls curve away from planes of textured buff brick. The addition encompasses a first-floor emergency department, second-floor suites for medical offices, a third-floor neonatal intensive care unit, and a fourth-floor Children’s Hospital.