Featured in Architectural Record in April 1999, the Huber house brings together several significant themes in late-twentieth-century domestic architecture in Vermont. This compact but visually rich house was designed by an artist for a dancer and nature writer to celebrate views of the Connecticut River and Mount Wantastiquet while expressing environmental concerns. Michael Singer is an environmental sculptor with an abiding interest in the articulation of materiality, texture, and pattern, and the complex play of modulated grids. Here, the house is shielded from the street by a transplanted grove and a grassy berm created with fill excavated from the rear yard to enhance the view. The house is entered through a vine-covered screen wall. Consisting of cast-relief concrete panels below, it evolves into an airy rectilinear cedar trellis above. Behind the screen is a two-story frame box with a broadly projecting flat roof. The interior of natural wood, white walls, and tinted concrete evokes the pre–World War II modernism of Frank Lloyd Wright and Rudolph Schindler. The shift in scale from single-height spaces on the street side to a double-height and fully glazed living area on the river side recalls the domestic spaces of Le Corbusier. With its solar-absorbing concrete floors and interior garden bed, unencumbered inlaid maple dance floor, sculptural precast chimney wall, and panoramic views, this space merges the concerns of both designer and patron in a highly personal artistic statement.