Lucius and Lucinda Cummings prospered on this one-hundred-acre farm overlooking Montpelier. In 1855 they built a finely detailed Greek Revival Classic Cottage, one of many in the upper Winooski and Lamoille river valleys. Typical are its eaves entablature, paneled corner pilasters, and an entrance with paneled pilasters, entablature, and fluted Ionic columns in antis. Less common, they opted for a central chimney, rather than twin interior or end chimneys, to service their heating stoves and to retain a hearth in the original kitchen. In 1862, they added a side wing, with a wraparound porch. Their son Edgar Cummings succeeded to the farm in the 1870s and expanded the dairying operation. In 1888 he added an eighty-foot-long bank barn behind the house, topping it with a square cupola with round-arched louvered vents, corner pilasters, and bellcast cap. Like most other examples, the barn has a covered bridge at its gable end, entering the high drive in its haymow, with the stabling area for Edgar's twelve bred Jersey cows entering under the bridge at grade, and a manure basement exposed at the opposite south gable end. The white-painted farmhouse (recently rotated ninety degrees from south to west), the barn, with its original ochre body trimmed in brown and topped by a horse weathervane, and other minor outbuildings complete the picture of this Winooski Valley farmstead representative of the second half of the nineteenth century.