At the turn of the twentieth century, fishing camps gave way to family camps on most of the larger lakes of Vermont. Lake St. Catherine's shorelines in Poultney and Wells attracted many local businessmen and Hudson River Valley summer residents who built two-story, wood-frame camps, usually with raised porches facing downslope to the lake, for seasonal family use. Inniscarra is an excellent example of an intact camp. It is basically a small foursquare, with deep open eaves, a wraparound porch, and a small second-floor sleeping room that projects onto the porch above the central entrance. The stickwork baluster pattern of the porch railings is applied at the base of the sleeping room. “Inniscarra,” the name of a village in Wales, reflects the Welsh connections of the local community and the slate industry. About 1915 a small jerkinhead-roofed, one-bay auto garage was built behind the camp facing the lake road. Though the original owners traveled to the camp by carriage, they started driving here as soon as a car was within their means.