Shortly after the Portland and Ogdensburg Railroad was finished to Swanton and Burlington in 1877, Henry A. Slayton erected this two-and-a-half-story, wood-frame flour and feed store across from the depot and next to the tracks. Its Greek Revival entablature, paneled corner pilasters, and similarly detailed storefront link it to older industrial and commercial buildings in the village, while making it stand out among Morrisville's wood-frame commercial buildings. Since first settlement, most farmers in Vermont raised their own grains for flour and feed, but rail delivery of bulk grains gradually changed that as farmers discovered they could concentrate on their dairy, hay, and corn and purchase the flour and feed they needed, which eventually put the local gristmill out of business. In fact, Slayton purchased the local gristmill from Hiram Safford in 1899, and probably about the same time, Slayton added a four-story, wood-frame, steam gristmill and warehouse onto the rear of his store.