This farmstead, largely re-created by Dolphus Dewing Jr. just after the Civil War, was a bellwether of farm building in Franklin County during the last half of the nineteenth century. Dolphus, grandson of Luke Dewing, who settled here in 1812, and son of farmer and blacksmith Dolphus Sr., married Sarah Colton in 1854 and succeeded to the large 350-acre farm soon thereafter. Like many new farm owners, he revamped the farm operation, building c. 1860 a new wood-frame barn for his work horses. In 1867 he hired a local builder named Reynolds to construct a 45 × 100–foot double-eaves drive, ground-stable barn with a cut-stone foundation, one of the first of the large dairy barns with two covered bridges into their upper-story haymow that became common on farms throughout Franklin County during the next three decades. Using block left over from the barn's foundation, he also built a 7 × 9–foot ash house, a notable stone version of a once-common small farm structure used to store ashes for making lye soap. The new barn enabled Dewing to increase his dairy herd to thirty-five cows. About 1870, perhaps in friendly rivalry with his neighbor W. P. Noble, who had recently built an Italianate-styled home, Dewing tore down his grandfather's house and built a new two-story, wood-frame farmhouse with a one-and-a-half-story rear ell and wing, all trimmed with corner pilasters, molded eave friezes, paired cornice brackets, and Italianate porches. Despite the Victorian trim, the main block—a three-bay Georgian plan—is conservative in form, mimicking the choice of many other farmers who built new houses during the third quarter of the nineteenth century.