This is a prime representative of one of the best collections of Shingle Style houses in the state and marks the first generation of new seasonal residences that followed Bennington's rediscovery in the late nineteenth century. The Shingle Style arrived with the construction of the Mary R. Sanford estate in 1898, which supplanted buildings demolished on the east side of Monument Circle. Though this house is a late manifestation of Shingle Style, there was a certain appropriateness in its use within this community, for it spoke not only of grand summer cottages but also of colonial roots. The two-and-a-half-story house would be at home on the New England coast of a decade earlier. Its picturesque massing with L-shaped plan, broad double gable, deep porch, porte-cochere, and tall corbeled chimneys is unified by wood shingles that cover roof, walls, and porch piers alike. The variety and texturing is enriched by small-paned sash windows, paneled chimney brickwork, and a deeply recessed, ogee-arched entrance with elaborate paneling.