Indian Fields (a late-twentieth-century name taken from its location on the tract called Indian Fields) is a relatively large log and stone building that probably served as an inn for travelers moving west. Its first story, or raised basement, is of random-laid coursed stone and the three-room second story is of hewn logs with V-notching, chinked with wood slabs, and originally daubed with clay mixed with animal hair. Three separate entrances lead into each of the first-floor sections. Spanning the second floor is a cantilevered porch, reached by an exterior stairway. Originally, only two sections of the second floor and none of the first had interior connecting doors, probably indicating separate rooms for travelers. On the rear, a single entrance leads into the central section of the second story. This room, like the one below it, had no fire-place, but the four end rooms were warmed by massive exterior-end stone chimneys. An odd house, it is banked on a slope almost like a barn, with the entrances on the downside. The building was used to house slaves in 1843 and later became a single-family house. It was restored in 1990.