Joseph Cloyd established this farm situated at the foot of Cloyd's Mountain. The two-story five-bay Federal house is believed to be the first brick house built in the region. A one-story pedimented portico with four Ionic columns shelters the central entrance with a door flanked by fluted pilasters below a fan-light. Outbuildings include a brick dairy, brick smokehouse, and a two-story kitchen. Among the property's agricultural buildings is a large stone bank barn, one of the few stone barns built in Southwest Virginia. On May 9, 1864, the Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, the largest military engagement in Southwest Virginia, was fought on the property. Union brigadier general George Crook used the house as a hospital and his headquarters. Two officers under his command, Rutherford B. Hayes and William McKinley, later became U.S. presidents.