The early nineteenth-century plantation known as Sunnyside consists of a main residence, which evolved throughout the nineteenth century, and a fine complex of domestic and farm outbuildings which date from the mid- to late nineteenth century. Sunnyside is surrounded by a rural countryside that looks much as it did when the house was built. The two-story frame residence was built in three stages. A one-room structure built c. 1810 for Joseph Pope was doubled in 1847 by Pope's son, Harrison. Profiting from the sale of contraband provisions in 1870, Harrison Pope achieved a prosperity rare in rural Virginia and constructed a two-story Doric portico with fluted columns. The domestic outbuildings date from the third quarter of the nineteenth century, while the farm buildings date from 1870 and later. The outbuildings at Sunnyside include a schoolhouse, schoolmaster's house, dairy, milk house, tenant's house, privy, pump house, sheds, peanut barn, tall smokehouse, kitchen-laundry, and garage. The outbuildings, like the main house, are covered with weatherboard. The outbuildings are formally arranged in relation to the main house. The yard of the