This residence for merchant Stephen D. Heard and his wife, Lillie, relies on the Prairie Style, with its two-story mass, center-hall plan, and horizontal emphasis. Dallas architect James Edward Flanders also blended a variety of stylistic devices to enrich the composition. The house’s most exotic feature is the combination of hipped roof (with a flared ridge line) and a pagoda-like central dormer. The dormer aligns with a projecting bay window on the second floor and the classical entrance portico, which together are off-center of the main form and roofline of the house. Symmetry is further interrupted by an inset corner porch on the second story. Jigsaw brackets under the eaves are vestigial reminders of the Italianate style, while patterned wood shingles in the frieze and on the roof dormer suggest the Shingle Style. Flanders also utilized shingles to clad the second floor of the house’s picturesque carriage house, with its cross-gambrel roof and corner tower.