A splendid example of Streamline Moderne, Miller Drugstore displays Carder’s adept command of the idiom, including fluid horizontal curves, and bull’s-eye and glass block windows, unfortunately disfigured by a later awning.
Other modernistic buildings on SW 6th include the former Borden’s Heap-o-Cream (1941) at number 3120, a rare example of Streamline Moderne built of wood. Walter Dorwin Teague designed the former Taylor’s Texaco Station (1950) at 3512 SW 6th, which is clad in white porcelain enamel panels and retains its deep canopy. The former Phillips 66 Station (1963) at number 3821 features the distinctive triangular, space-age canopy of exposed steel bar joists and metal decking that angle upward toward the street.
Most of the vintage commercial architecture west of Amarillo along old Route 66 to the state line with New Mexico is abandoned and derelict, as commercial facilities have relocated to I-40. At Adrian, the mid-point of Route 66 is celebrated by a billboard noting the 1,139 miles to Los Angeles and to Chicago.