Jewish dry goods merchant Lazarus Baer and his wife, Leona, hired Vicksburg contractor John Curphey to build this two-story brick L-front house on a lot two blocks from the synagogue (demolished) on Cherry Street. After emigrating from Bavaria in 1856, Baer, with his brothers Isaac and Abe, opened Baer and Bro. in 1865 on Washington Street. The Baer house features a semi-hexagonal bay, shingles in the gable ends, segmental-arched windows, a double-tiered porch on bracketed posts, and a hint of classicism in its modillioned and dentiled cornice. The asymmetrical L-front form masks a center-hall plan with a double parlor finished with fine plasterwork.
At 1115 Grove, the one-story wooden Greek Revival planter’s cottage (c. 1860) with French doors leading onto the undercut gallery was the home of Benjamin Guider, a prominent jeweler.