As one of Maryland’s oldest houses and among the first in the Chesapeake erected of brick, Cloverfields offers primary evidence of early building practices. It began as a two-story, hall-parlor house with square medieval-influenced stair tower, erected by owner Philemon Hensley, a builder and planter. Among the many remarkable components that set this house apart are its massive bent principal rafters, tilted false plate, and early use of a classically inspired cornice integral to the framing through the use of joist ends extended to form modillions. The house comprises a variety of brick bonding patterns, including an early use of common bond, and belt course and water table, stepped at the corners in the English mode. Later changes include the construction of one-story rooms flanking the tower and the introduction of a central passage (c. 1729), the raising of the new rooms to two stories (1750s), and the construction of a unified, catslide roof (c. 1761). Refinements such as Rococo mantels and plaster paneling were later introduced, along with a terraced lawn and formal gardens (1768–1769). A rear service wing was constructed in 1783–1784. A carefully researched restoration to the period of Colonel William Hemsley’s ownership, c. 1784, was begun in 2017. Once completed, Clover-fields will be open to the public.