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(New) Saint Seraphim Russian Orthodox Church

Located safely away from the river, on the other side of town, the new church in Lower Kalskag was constructed in 1972–1975. Iftukim Evan, a member of the church, was primarily responsible for the design, which he developed by looking at photographs of other churches. The square nave, measuring about 27 feet on a side on the interior, is covered with a hip roof, while the sanctuary and vestibule at either end have gable roofs. The wood-framed building is sided with a modern textured plywood paneling called T1–11, and the roofs are covered with corrugated metal.
The design and construction of this relatively recent church are probably typical of many of the older churches in this region. Iftukim Evan, with a third-grade education, was not trained as a carpenter, but as operator of the sawmill the construction of the church fell to him. He made no drawings but designed it in his head. The hipped roof gave him particular problems, as he had not had experience with any. The semicircular projection in the center of the amvon (the dais in front of the iconostas) was likewise tricky to design, and although he asked around, no one could tell him how it should be constructed. As a result, the three-step projection is unusual, with the bottom step more oblong than semicircular. Evan used a compass to design the cut-outs of the balustrades of the sides of the amvon. The crystal chandelier required electrification, which Evan was also able to effect. The construction team was composed of the villagers themselves, who donated their time as opportunity and inclination dictated.
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